Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Final Draft

Two eyes peered out of a small box filled with darkness. The Being in the box listened to evil tunes in slow minor key at the beat raindrops. The raindrops came from a dark gloomy sky that looked upon the Being inside the box.
The Being dreamt of little daisies singing lullabies and a little angel beating its wings. The daisies danced amok in his mind skipping to the childish tunes. They stomped on the angel’s wings as it repeatedly tried to fly away.
The Being had no one to hold, no one to talk to, to one to be. The only thing he had was an evil spirit that lurked in his mind, in his heart, in his soul. The devil it could be or just the horrific memories of his past. The Being had no where to leave this evil spirit, tied down by chains and locks created in the darkest hottest pits of Hell. Attempting to break the chains the Being ripped and pealed away his skin to a point where he was no longer recognizable. His feet torn to pieces, looked up at him screaming with anger. Screaming dead thoughts that brought back the darkest of memories. The murdering murderer that murdered who he loved the most. The loving lovers that loved him the most were now dead but still beating in the wings of an angel. An angel that was trying to fly away but couldn’t. Suddenly the angel inside the Being batted its wings one last time and flew to the air. It rose up and up and up until it obliterated the heavens into a million pieces.
The Being looked up and saw a sunny sky. He looked out and saw a field of daisies. He looked down and saw no chains. The Being got up and stepped into a real life. It was a life where the Being could no longer be held down by chains and taunting memories but a life where he could just be.

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