Tuesday, January 27, 2009

WA4 2nd Draft

Dear Mr. Obama,

As you receive the title of President you also inherit a number of dilemmas that our former president either created or ignored entirely throughout his long, long, long term. Out of war and an economic there is still one problem that can be seen throughout. Global Climate change is truly happening and is beginning to affect the whole world. If there isn’t immediate change than the soldiers and people of Iraq will feel the effects, the stock brokers swarming the streets of Wall Street will be sweating a little more than usual. It will ultimately lead to the destruction of any and all civilized society. It is vital that someone in this world takes the role to make change and make a transformation to a cleaner healthier environment.
Some professionals have projected that the next world war will be over clean drinkable water. Thousands of species will become extinct which may include certain species of algae that are having an incredible role in the carbon cycle. If the sea surface temperature raises a small increment of two degrees many species of algae will become extinct nearly doubling the amount of carbon in the atmosphere due to the loss of these important characters involved in the carbon cycle. You’ve been preaching the idea of change and that is exactly what the world needs right now.
Many countries have already begun to act on this climate change issue from a hydrogen fuel based society to new bills created to reduce CO2 emissions. Our very own California has just passed the AB-32 bill that plans to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% come the year 2050. This bill resembles another that was just past in the United Kingdom. This is just the first step in the long process to create a healthier world environment. The next steps should involve hydrogen fuel cell cars that should be introduced to the American public as something of the present not something of the future; for far too long that problems have been set aside for the future and we can no longer ignore these potentially devastating problems.
To me the future of the U.S. is a country with hillsides full of wind turbines and fields littered with solar panels. These various alternative energy sources should be incorporated into the environment in a way that is safe for every nearby species. The first settlers passed on stories of how beautiful the Americas were when they arrived on their ships. They told of the crystal clear Chesapeake Bay with enormous clams lining the bottom and giant schools of fish swimming in what is now a habitat that is threatened by over fishing. They spoke of colossal forests that lined this bay and of the peaceful people that lived on the land that is now one of the most feared countries in the world. All of these accounts sound like fairy tales and most of these sights will never be seen by the people of this modern western world but it is our job to keep what we have now so we can show our children’s children how incredible the world can really be. It is time to take the first steps towards a healthier world by putting what you’ve been preaching into action, change.

Daniel Intolubbe-Chmil

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

Let's just use one long--long, long, long term.

Out of war and an economic there?

If there isn’t immediate change (THEN)the soldiers

Re-work this sentence--If there isn’t immediate change than the soldiers and people of Iraq will feel the effects, the stock brokers swarming the streets of Wall Street will be sweating a little more than usual.

which may include certain species of algae that (HAVE) an incredible role in the carbon cycle..

Good fact: Our very own California has just passed the AB-32 bill that plans to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% come the year 2050.

for far too long (THESE?)problems have been set aside for the future and we can no longer ignore these potentially devastating problems.

Me too--To me the future of the U.S. is a country with hillsides full of wind turbines and fields littered with solar panels.