Monday, January 19, 2009


Dear Mr. Obama,

As you may know the world is currently going through an incredible series of environmental changes. As you take the title as presidency it is vital that you take the responsibility to create what you’ve been preaching all along, change. If certain actions of change are not taken, the world may reach a point where some of the damages will become irreversible. Some people argue whether these changes are truly taking place, but recently it has been scientifically proven that these climate changes are happening and are being forecasted to accumulate until species are extinct, glaciers are melted, the ozone destroyed, and in the very end an inhabitable unhealthy planet.
Some of the main changes that you have suggested yourself have been the usage of alternative energy sources. The usage of alternative energy sources would save the atmosphere of billions of tons of CO2 per year and would improve the condition of the world as a whole. There are endless ideas for alternative energy sources from tidal turbines to solar panels. In the Midwest, for example Kansas, there are miles and miles of windy plains that would be ideal for wind turbines. The barren desert in the southwest of the U.S. is a perfect place for solar panels. Creating these alternative energy plants would not only provide clean energy but also provide new jobs for many U.S. citizens.
The U.S. is an example for the rest of the world usually having a great impact with every decision we make. If certain actions are taken then it could spark a worldwide movement to a better cleaner planet. This planet has been good to us and there is no reason why we, the world as one population, shouldn’t be good to it. As the mining and drilling continue all the limited resources we become less and less yet the greenhouse gases and other pollution becomes more and more. We have to realize that we need to find other ways to produce energy or the world will run out of resources such as oil and coal.
To me this seems to be the greatest problem because it doesn’t only affect the United States, but the whole world. The solutions are endless and the global economy would flourish if a transition is achieved from fossil fuel dependency to alternative energy sources. The auto industry has already begun to create hybrid electric cars and cars running off of hydrogen producing nothing but clean water. If these new creations continue to advance soon there will be hydrogen stations in place of gas stations and a cleaner atmosphere instead of holes in the ozone.
Something that showed me the disgusting effect fossil fuels had on the planet was the great smog cloud over Denver, Colorado. I was on a family ski trip in Colorado and as we were driving along the Front Range my father pointed out the brown cloud hovering above the distant city of Denver. I couldn’t stop looking at the giant smog cloud and it made me want to do whatever I could to stop worldwide pollution. But something this great needs to be achieved small step by small step. As I right this letter to you the night before your inauguration I hope that this is one of the many small steps that will accumulate into a possible global movement.

Daniel Intolubbe-Chmil

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