Monday, February 23, 2009

WA#5 Wedding2

Only twelve minutes until the wedding starts, I can’t believe this is real. The day I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little girl is finally here and I actually am getting married to my own knight in shining armor. Nothing could possibly make this day go wrong, well there’s always Johnny’s bum of a brother who never showed up to the dress rehearsal and no one has heard from him in the past two days…
Oh shoot, I have to go make sure sister has the ring ready. Oh my why did they have to put the dressing room all the way down these stairs. Whoa, I nearly broke a heel. Twenty three steps, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six…Good grief I’m finally done with those stairs, holy smokes these doors are heavy, I better warn daddy about those before he walks me down the hall.
“Hey sis! You got the ring?” she looks so beautiful, “Alright great, TEN MINUTES!” Ah I’m so excited. Where on earth is that damn best man!?
Alright here it is, “Dad remember the doors” oh boy he’s getting old.
Oh there’s Johnny’s grandma, what a sour lady. “Hey there grandma!” I hope no one told her about those doors. And there he is, my knight in shining armor. And look at that, no best man. I can’t believe this is happening.
His eyes are so beautiful, deep blue lined with a grey, this is really happening! Oh I hear a car, I wonder if this is Johnny’s brother. Yup, there he is and yup no one told him about those doors, good riddance. What on earth is he wearing around his neck, oh my, that’s the most disgusting bow tie I have ever seen. Excuse me, he better have not of looked at my sister like that, way out of his league anyways.
Hmmm, I’d like to give him a little earful right now. What!? He forgot the ring in the car!? What an incompetent little piece…
What on earth was that!? It sounded like a gun shot or… I can only assume it’s the genius of a best man.
It’s been fifteen minutes and that cheese ball still isn’t back, in the car my… Oh I can hear him coming up the stairs, what a little sissy with those doors. My word, he looks like he just got in a bar fight. He must’ve run all the way to wherever the ring was and back… I guess he’s not so bad.
“I LOVE YOU TOO BROTHER!” Really? Did he really have to do that? He’s caused enough of a scene already. And hear it is and the ring is on! YES, I can’t believe it! Is Johnny’s brother crying? Oh my, I’m gonna start crying right with him right here, oh lord… oh dear. Oh I bet it’s all an act to get my sister, not this time buddy…
“Hey you! Yeah, come here. I know what you’re tryin to do with my sister.” Little punk, “Excuse me! You are not to use that in any such way!”
How come Johnny never does that?

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